JOY Pantry was created with one idea in mind…
to create a hunger-free community in the Northern Lebanon School District of Pennsylvania. The idea of food banks has been around since the 1960s when John van Hengel, a retired businessman in Phoenix, AZ found a desperate mother rummaging through grocery store waste cans in search of food. He suggested that there should be a place where, instead of being thrown out, discarded food could be stored for people to pick up—similar to the way “banks” store money for future use. With that, an industry was born.
JOY Pantry is a partner of The Central Pennsylvania Food Bank, an affiliate of Feeding America, and with their help, they have created a choice pantry for families to use four times a month. JOY is different from most pantries as they allow their families to select their own items, returning the respect and integrity the NL community needs. JOY is proud to serve up to 225% of the federal poverty guideline.

Thank You Note
Send a virtual Thank You Note to the Volunteers and Staff at JOY Pantry. Share impactful stories, say a quick thanks, or tell us what’s on your mind!